
The bibliography to all entries is stored as a pybtex database db.bibliography, which contains bibtex entries.

from import CVDatabase
db = CVDatabase()

Each entry in the echemdb databse can be cited.

entry = db['engstfeld_2018_polycrystalline_17743_f4b_1']
entry.citation(backend='text') # other available backends: 'latex' or 'markdown'. 'text' is default.
'A. K. Engstfeld et al. Polycrystalline and single-crystal Cu electrodes: influence of experimental conditions on the electrochemical properties in alkaline media. Chem.-Eur. J, 24(67):17743–17755, 2018.'

Individual db.bibliography entries can be accessed with the citation key associated with an echemdb entry.

bibtex_key = entry.source.citation_key
'A. K. Engstfeld et al. Polycrystalline and single-crystal Cu electrodes: influence of experimental conditions on the electrochemical properties in alkaline media. Chem.-Eur. J, 24(67):17743–17755, 2018.'
citation_entry = db.bibliography.entries[bibtex_key]
    ('title', 'Polycrystalline and single-crystal Cu electrodes: influence of experimental conditions on the electrochemical properties in alkaline media'), 
    ('journal', 'Chem.-Eur. J'), 
    ('volume', '24'), 
    ('number', '67'), 
    ('pages', '17743--17755'), 
    ('year', '2018'), 
    ('abstract', 'Single and polycrystalline Cu electrodes serve as model systems for the study of the electroreduction of CO2, CO and nitrate, or for corrosion studies; even so, there are very few reports combining electrochemical measurements with structural characterization. Herein both the electrochemical properties of polycrystalline Cu and single crystal Cu(1 0 0) electrodes in alkaline solutions (0.1 m KOH and 0.1 m NaOH) are investigated. It is demonstrated that the pre-treatment of the electrodes plays a crucial role in determining their electrochemical properties. Scanning tunneling microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry are performed on Cu(1 0 0) electrodes prepared under UHV conditions; it is shown that the electrochemical properties of these atomically well-defined electrodes are distinct from electrodes prepared by other methods. Also highlighted is the significant role of residual oxygen and electrolyte convection in influencing the electrochemical properties.')],
  persons=OrderedCaseInsensitiveDict([('author', [Person('Engstfeld, Albert K'), Person('Maagaard, Thomas'), Person('Horch, Sebastian'), Person('Chorkendorff, Ib'), Person('Stephens, Ifan EL')])]))

Individiual fields are accessible, such as year or title.

'Polycrystalline and single-crystal Cu electrodes: influence of experimental conditions on the electrochemical properties in alkaline media'

The authors are accessible via persons. Read more in the pybtex documentation.

[Person('Engstfeld, Albert K'),
 Person('Maagaard, Thomas'),
 Person('Horch, Sebastian'),
 Person('Chorkendorff, Ib'),
 Person('Stephens, Ifan EL')]
Person('Engstfeld, Albert K')
Engstfeld, Albert K